
postheadericon Black & Decker ATM100 25-Foot Auto Tape Measure

Buy Black & Decker ATM100 25-Foot Auto Tape Measure For Sale

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Black & Decker ATM100 25-Foot Auto Tape Measure Features

  • One-handed operation
  • Can be used as a powered or manual tape measure for versatility and continuous use
  • Blade stands out over seven feet (before the blade bends)
  • 2-year limited warranty
  • Includes four AAA batteries

Black & Decker ATM100 25-Foot Auto Tape Measure Overview

The first battery-powered tape measure that extends and retracts with the push of a button, Black & Decker's Power Tape ATM100 lets you measure with one hand while you write, dial, scratch, hammer, or whatever, with the other. No more putting down the phone, calculator or handsaw just to take a quick measurement. The automatic tape measure also comes in handy when working in tight spaces where two arms won't fit. Confronted with tricky gluing applications where you just can't let go even for a second, the Power Tape has you covered there, too. Its ergonomic design feels great in the hand, and large forward and back buttons with arrows tell you in a glance which one extends and which one retracts the tape. Forgot to refresh the batteries? No problem! The Power Tape can be used as a manual tape measure, too. Four AAAA batteries included.

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