
postheadericon Ultrasonic Tape Measure Distance Meter With Laser Pointer

Best Buy Ultrasonic Tape Measure Distance Meter With Laser Pointer Web Store

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Ultrasonic Tape Measure Distance Meter With Laser Pointer Features

  • Dimensions: 150*70*30mm(5.9*2.76*1.18inch)
  • Weight (without battery): 130g(4.59oz)
  • Frequency: 40kHz (ultrasonic pickup)
  • Measure range: 0.5m-18m (approx 1.5ft-60ft)
  • # Power supply: 1 x 9v alkaline battery (not included)

Ultrasonic Tape Measure Distance Meter With Laser Pointer Overview

It is ideal for D.I.Y. homeowners, builders, real estate agents and surveyors etc.
There is a conversion of readings between imperial and metric
It calculates area and volume and has a current temperature display
Laser pointer helps to determine target to be measured
Memory facility allows you to measure and to store 3 different measures
Addition and Subtraction function: allows you to add or subtract 2 measures
Your distance measurer transmits ultrasonic waves to a point you want to measure
Afterwards, it measures the time taken by the waves to reflect and then calculates and re-transcribes the distance
No more clumsy tape measures and trying to hand calculate distances
Fast & easy

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LCD display with backlight
Power supply: 1 x 9v alkaline battery (not included)
Measure range: 0.5m-18m (approx 1.5ft-60ft)
Unit of measurement : feet or meters
Calculation functions: area, volume, addition, subtraction calculation.
Frequency: 40kHz (ultrasonic pickup)
Resolution: 0.01m
Dimensions: 150*70*30mm(5.9*2.76*1.18inch)
Weight (without battery): 130g(4.59oz)

Package Include:
1 x Ultrasonic Distance Meter
1 x English User Manual

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